Don't wait for accidents to happen

AfroSAFE Academy

Related activities


The goal of Delft Road Safety Courses (DRSC) is capacity building of road safety professionals working for the government, the private sector, civil society and research institutions in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). DRSC aims to broaden and deepen the understanding and scientific knowledge of participants on risks of crashes and injuries in road traffic and in road safety management.

Road Safety Management course at Lund University, Sweden, provides solid knowledge of Safe System principles and tools necessary to for effectively addressing the road safety problems.

The Vision Zero Academy was established by the Swedish Transport Administration in 2019. It has the overall purpose to spread knowledge about Vision Zero and support and collaborate with different stakeholders around the world in their strive for safe road transport systems.

In September each year, it arranges a week-long Vision Zero International Course in Sweden.

Open Access journal on traffic safety

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

The JRS accepts papers from all countries and regions around the world and publishes a diverse range of high-quality papers on road safety from researchers, policymakers, program implementers, and other road safety experts. The JRS provides anyone interested in road safety with a rich source of current knowledge, evidence, developments, and best practice in road safety implementation.

Traffic Safety Research (TSR) is an international interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Open Access scientific journal. It was founded in 2021 with the overarching aim to contribute to the global shift towards the Safe System within road transportation.

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