Villa Zingali Tetto (Museo della Rappresentazion)
Address: Via Etnea 742, Catania (GoogleMaps link)
The Agenda of the meeting can be found here. It will be a physical meeting.
ICTCT elections
Every three years, ICTCT holds the election of functionaries in the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee election will be part of the General Assembly 2023.
Members have the opportunity to vote for all positions of the Steering Committee, but also to candidate.
Available positions and functions
The seven open positions for the Steering Committee are:
- President
- Deputy president
- Cashier
- Secretary
- 3 regular members.

How to be a candidate
Any active ICTCT member (honorary, individual, or a person affiliated to an institutional member organization) can be a candidate for any of the positions.
To become a candidate, send an email expressing your interest to the Election Committee at State clearly if you want to candidate for the Steering Committee (name your preferred function, if any) or an auditor position.
You may do so from now on and until Friday, 27 October 2023.
Also, the candidacy can be announced on the spot.
Election procedure
Described shortly, the procedure is as follows:
- Members of the active Steering Committee are considered as candidates automatically, unless she/he actively asks for not being a candidate.
- The election will be organised within the framework of the General Assembly, after the reports of the resigning functionaries and before any decisions on future activities.
- The Steering Committee will be elected by secret voting.
You can read more about the functions and procedures for the Steering Committee, auditors, and the General Assembly in the ICTCT statutes.
ICTCT Election Committee


Jirí Ambros
(Czech Republic)

Enoch F. Sam