AfroSAFE webinar November 2023
The link between road safety policy and research
Many effective and lasting road safety improvements are made through long term governmental policy changes. For scientific research to actually contribute to road safety improvement, a tight link between research and policy making is imperative. This is especially challenging in African countries and other LMIC, where the implementation of a science based safe system approach is often not yet established in road safety policy making. The lecture tells you why, and how such a link may be established and maintained. If possible, examples from LMIC scientific findings will be interactively used for illustration.
About the speaker

Henk Stipdonk (1957, Leiden, the Netherlands) is Director of The Netherlands Knowledge Institute for transport policy analysis (KiM) since 2019. KiM is an independent scientific research institute of the Dutch Ministry of transport and water management. With 25 researchers, KiM analyses and gathers facts of (Dutch) traffic and transport trends, developments and behavior of all modes, both goods and persons.
Between 2004 and 2019, Henk was a research manager at the Institute for Scientific Road Safety Research SWOV. His department focused on quantitative analyses, data quality, in depth crash research and the development of models describing the annual number of road deaths trend, based on road death data, travel data and risk (deaths per distance travelled) models.
Henk’s international work includes visits to Cambodia, Kenia, Ghana, Cameroon and many European countries, where he gave lectures and contributed to road safety courses. He has participated in numerous international integrated projects for the EU. Currently he is co-chair of the PIN-panel of the ETSC, and chair of the ITF Working Group on Implementing the Safe System.
When and how
Friday, 10 November 2023
15:00-16:00 CET (time convertor)
Format: Zoom webinar/meeting