Don't wait for accidents to happen

Challenges and actual opportunities offered by new technologies to improve traffic safety

photo: Comune di Catania
26–27 October 2023
Catania, Italy
Local organiser(s): Salvatore Damiano Cafiso, Giuseppina Pappalardo
The conference was organized in close co-operation with the University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.

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Keynote speech I: AI-driven smart and connected safety and mobility

Chair: Salvatore Damiano Cafiso

Mohamed A. Abdel-Aty
University of Central Florida
the United States of America

Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Aty, PE is a Trustee Endowed Chair at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He is a Pegasus Distinguished Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and has a joint appointment with the Department of Computer Science. He is leading the Future City initiative at UCF. As part of the initiative he introduced in 2019 the first MS degree in Smart Cities in Engineering in the US. He is also the director of the Smart and Safe Transportation Lab, the Winner of the USDOT Solving for Safety Visualization Challenge, Real-time crash risk visualization using integrated tools for traffic safety evaluation and management.

His main expertise and interests are in the areas of traffic safety, AI, simulation, big data, digital twining and data analytics and CAV. He is pioneer and well recognized nationally and internationally in work and research in real-time safety, proactive traffic management, safety analytics, and Connected Vehicles.

Keynote speech II: Regulating for automated vehicle safety—a researcher perspective

Chair: Stijn Daniels

Oliver Carsten
University of Leeds
the United Kingdom

Oliver Carsten is Professor of Transport Safety at the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds. His major research focus is on driver interaction and safety with driver assistance and automation systems. He is heavily involved in international regulatory activities on vehicle automation both on the road user side where he is a member of the Informal Group of Experts on Automated Driving (IGEAD). He also leads an informal group of human factors experts on automation under the auspices of the International Ergonomics Association, with the aim of providing human factors advice to international regulators in the area of automation.  He is editor-in-chief of the academic journal Cognition, Technology and Work.

Oral (special) session 1: Surrogate measures of safety

Chair: Aliaksei Laureshyn

Pedestrian Danger Index – a new surrogate measure of pedestrian safety at unsignalized crossings

Pawel Dabkowski
Piotr Olszewski
Witold Czajewski

Detection and Analysis of Trajectory-Related Corner Cases at a Signalized Urban Intersection

Clemens Schicktanz
Kay Gimm

Re-stating the problem: a feasible framework for safety analysis using surrogate measures

Oksana Yastremska-Kravchenko
Zhankun Chen
Aliaksei Laureshyn 

Oral session 2: Road safety asset management

Chair: Alfonso Montella

When is road safety policy fully consistent with Safe System principles?

Rune Elvik

Valuing the invaluable: monetary valuation of road fatalities and serious road injuries

Stijn Daniels

Transferability of safety inspection procedure for network wide safety assessment of two-lane rural roads: an Italian-Hungarian experiment

Attila Borsos
Salvatore Damiano Cafiso
Alessandro Di Graziano
Giuseppina Pappalardo

A cluster-based decision support tool: using road crash data to design effective safety countermeasures

João Pedro Maia
António Lobo
Miguel Lopes
Sérgio Pedro Duarte

Oral session 3: Human factors in road safety

Chair: Victoria Gitelman

Incorporating Behavioral Adaptation of Human Drivers in Predicting Traffic Efficiency of Mixed Traffic: A Case Study of Priority T-Intersections

Nagarjun Reddy
Narayana Raju
Haneen Farah
Serge Hoogendoorn

Evaluation of pedestrians and drivers’ communication at pedestrian crossings using eye-camera

Symbat Zhanguzhinova
Emese Makó

Hazard prediction and hazard perception test in the Czech Republic

Matus Sucha
Ralf Risser
Beáta Suriaková
Petr Zamecnik
Mikulas Toman
Petya Ventsislavova
David Crundall
Lydia Harrison

From human driving errors to automated vehicle functional failures: theoretical and methodological issues

Henri Chajmowicz
Laura Bigi
Philippe Lesire
Cyril Chauvel
Jean-Baptiste Haué
Stéphane Buffat
Pierre Van Elslande

Oral (special) session 4: New technologies in road safety

Chair: Stijn Daniels

How did COVID-19 restrictions impact the safety on Czech roads? Exploratory study combining the traditional and novel traffic data collection technologies

Jirí Ambros
Robert Zuvala
Katerina Bucsuházy
Lucie Vyskocilová
Barbora Halaštová
Mariusz Kiec

How do subsequent manual drivers evaluate and react to automated lead vehicles in ambiguous driving situations in urban mixed traffic?

Vanessa Stange
Nele Burgstaler
Mark Vollrath

Driving simulator studies to evaluate the effectiveness of advanced warning systems integrated with connected vehicles technology

Alessandro Calvi
Fabrizio D’Amico
Andrea Vennarucci

Distributed ODD awareness to ensure safety of automated driving
Risto Kulmala

Oral session 5: Bicycle safety

Chair: Haneen Farah
A reference-driver model for overtaking a cyclist

Pierluigi Olleja
Alexander Rasch
Jonas Bärgman

How realistic a bike simulator can be? A validation study

Amira Hammami
Attila Borsos
Ágoston Pál Sándor

Analysis of cyclists’ safety on “bicycle streets” in four large Dutch municipalities: A crash risk and conflict study

Masha Odijk
Matin Nabavi Niaki
Mehmet Baran Ulak
Karst Geurs

The effect of speed on driver behavior when overtaking cyclists: Results from driving-simulator and test-track data

Alexander Rasch
Marco Dozza

Oral session 6: Education in road safety

Chair: Aliaksei Laureshyn
Traffic Education of Young Drivers in Driving Schools in Czechia

Beáta Suriaková
Matúš Šucha


Chairs: Anja Huemer, Attila Borsos, Mariusz Kiec, Orazio Pellegrino, Carmelo D’Agostino, Enoch F. Sam, Alessandro Di Graziano, Wojciech Kustra

Data collection methods for road safety performance indicators – experience from the Baseline and Trendline projects

Wouter Van den Berghe

The effects of different cycling crossing lengths and traffic signal regulations on cyclist-vehicle conflicts

Matin Nabavi Niaki
Govert Schermers

Estimating Intersections’ Near-crash Conflicts with the Drone-based Image-Recording Data (DIRD)

Yen-Lin Huang
Yen-Hsiang Chen
Gang-Len Chang

On the form of the N (crash-numbers) vs Q (traffic flow) curve

Peter Wagner
Andreas Leich
Ronald Nippold
Marek Junghans

Analysis of the application of different Road Safety Inspection procedures to investigate their inclusion in a Network-wide Road Safety Assessment

Andrea Paliotto
Giuseppina Pappalardo
Monica Meocci
Alessandro Terrosi

Virtual Reality in road safety education as a contribution to Collision Zero

Nora Strauzenberg
Vanessa Sarah Hilse
Christian Thomas Erbsmehl
Maria Pohle

Pedestrian slip-and-fall accidents and their prevention in Finland: an equality perspective

Johannes Mesimäki
Fanny Malin
Merja Penttinen

Railway Crossings: opportunities and Challenges posed by emerging technologies and solutions
Filippo Giammaria Praticò Pierpaolo Lombardo Massimo Merenda
The deployment of technology for vehicle administration in Lagos, Nigeria

Segun Alawa
Charles Asenime

An examination of pedestrian crossing behaviors at urban intersections with bus priority routes

Victoria Gitelman
Assaf Sharon

Introducing Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) in Driving Education: psychological perspectives among Norwegian practitioners

Giuseppe Marinelli
Özlem Simsekoglu
Rolf Robertsen

The use of driving simulator for assessing the interactions between partially automated and regular vehicles in the traffic flow

Roberta Gentile
Nicola Berloco
Stefano Coropulis
Paolo Intini
Vittorio Ranieri
Hocine Imine

Experimental study on the impact of an auditory driver distraction warning device on driver behaviour along urban roads

Alessandra Lioi
Marco Bassani

The diffusion of ADAS in Italy: exploring the factors influencing drivers’ perceptions

Natalia Distefano
Salvatore Leonardi

Insights in the criticality of bicycle-car and bicycle-truck turning interactions at an urban intersection

Imanol Irizar Da Silva
Peter Wagner
Meng Zhang
Kay Gimm

Evaluation of drivers’ behavior and attention in urban environment by eye tracking device

Monica Meocci
Andrea Paliotto
Alessandro Terrosi

Pre- and post-crash factors associated with Cameroon’s unabating road traffic injury epidemic: analysis of Cameroon trauma registry data

Serge Ngekeng Ngekeng
Catherine Juillard

A Model for Predicting the Rate of Multiple Passing Maneuvers on Two Lane Rural Highways

Arastoo Karimi Maskooni
Amin Mirza Boroujerdian
Marco Bassani

Safety and comfort for self-explaining roads: the particular case of tortuous low-speed two-lane rural roads

Stefano Coropulis
Nicola Berloco
Roberta Gentile
Paolo Intini
Vittorio Ranieri

Performance Indexes for characterizing driving behaviour

Gaetano Bosurgi
Orazio Pellegrino
Alessia Ruggeri
Giuseppe Sollazzo

Influence of Integrated Assistance Systems on Driver Performance: Intelligent Speed Adaptation for Visibility and Adaptive Cruise Control

Abrar Hazoor
Giuseppe Marinelli
Marco Bassani

Criteria for designing smart road infrastructures: case studies from real-world

Marco Guerrieri

Forecasting the severity of design traffic loads exceeding on road’s bridges

Roberto Ventura
Benedetto Barabino
Giulio Maternini

The road ahead: Bridging perspectives on truck platooning

Vladimiro Lourenço
Sérgio Pedro Duarte
António Lobo
Sara Ferreira
Liliana Cunha

Enhancing Cyclist Safety at Urban Intersections: A Simulation-Based Evaluation of Signal Phasing Schemes

Sarah Salem
Axel Leonhardt

Safe bus stops on high-speed rural roads

Kevin Gildea
Aliaksei Laureshyn

Estimation of Bike Volume Based on GPS Data

Carmelo D’Agostino
Mariusz Kiec
Sylwia Pazdan

E-scooter and cyclist users in shared paths – Visual comparison of gaze behavior 

Giuseppina Pappalardo
Salvatore Damiano Cafiso
Joanna Wachnicka
Oliver Giudice
Roberto Leotta
Sebastiano Battiato

Investigating interactions between bicycles and vehicles at intersections using real-world trajectories

Meng Zhang
Peter Wagner
Benjamin Coueraud
Imanol Irizar Da Silva
Marek Junghans

Optimizing the selection of sites for planning network-wide road safety interventions

Paolo Intini
Nicola Berloco
Stefano Coropulis
Vittorio Ranieri

Do cyclists notice the absence of a driver when interacting with a driverless vehicle? A field study

Haneen Farah
Siri Berge
Joost De Winter
Dimitra Dodou
Nagarjun Reddy
Yongqi Dong
Narayana Raju
Amir Pooyan Afghari
Eleonora Papadimitriou

Investigating the Effect of Traffic Sign Sheet Classes Retroreflectivity on LIDAR Intensity for Enhanced Road Safety

Ziyad N. Aldoski
Csaba Koren

Anomalous Driver Behaviour Detection through Deep Transfer Learning

Shumayla Yaqoob
Salvatore Damiano Cafiso
Giacomo Morabito
Giuseppina Pappalardo

Exploration of merging and diverging manoeuvres to validate driving simulator at expressway weaving sections

Suyi Mao
Arastoo Karimi
Jaeyoung Lee
Alessandra Lioi
Marco Bassani

Method of road safety audit of a high number of unsignalised pedestrian crossings

Tomasz Mackun
Wojciech Kustra
Marcin Budzynski
Joanna Wachnicka

Optimal configurations for speed-control kissing gates: Balancing safety and effectiveness

Kevin Gildea
Aliaksei Laureshyn

A Study on Seasonal Variations in Driving of Older Adult Drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Mio Suzuki

Integrating the logistic regression model with EVT: an example in crash injury estimation

Zhankun Chen
Carmelo D’Agostino

Driver Behavior and Safety Evaluation at the Intersection with Right-Turn-On-Red

Joanna Wachnicka
Anna Juchum
Radoslaw Bak
Mariusz Kiec
Giuseppina Pappalardo

Comprehensive discussion of the potential of using System Dynamics in modeling and forecasting road safety. Brief state-of-the-art review, pros and cons in light of the limitations of relevant traditional approaches

Kyandoghere Kyamakya
Antoine Kayisu Kazadi
Witesyavwirwa Vianney Kambale
Paraskevi Fasouli
Taha Benarbia
Pitshou Bokoro

Evaluation of drivers’ behavior by using an unmanned aerial vehicle

Anton Pashkevich
Arkadiusz Bylica

E-scooter safety challenges: civilian’s risk perception

Fadi Shahin
Wafa Elias

Methods for Assessing Traffic Safety in Low Visibility

Tomáš Kohout
Pavel Vrtal

A novel approach for evaluating human factors on urban roads: an application of BIM and Digital Twin methods to road safety analysis

Fabrizio D’Amico
Alessandro Calvi
Luca Bertolini
Jhon Romer Diezmos Manalo
Antonio Napolitano

Experimental analysis of road characteristics’ impact on the performance of lane support system

Salvatore Cafiso
Haneen Farah
Omid Ghaderi
Giuseppina Pappalardo

Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behaviour Detection

Yongqi Dong
Lanxin Zhang
Haneen Farah
Bart van Arem

Modelling speed at urban road sections in Warsaw

Wojciech Kustra
Aleksandra Romanowska

Comprehensive discussion of the potential of combining a “System Dynamics” framework and a “Graph Attention Neural Network” framework for a comprehensive “Digital Twin” for online (and real-time) modelling and forecasting of road safety

Kyandoghere Kyamakya
Antoine Kayisu Kazadi
Witesyavwirwa Vianney Kambale
Paraskevi Fasouli
Taha Benarbia
Pitshou Bokoro

HMI communication strategies of a highly automated vehicle with its on-board user to reduce user’s uncertainty in complex traffic situations with multiple other road users as interaction partners

Michael Oehl
Marc Wilbrink

“Are you feeling safe on-board our autonomous shuttles?” – Results from the user experience survey at Terhills, Belgium

Tim De Ceunynck
Mario Cools

A driving simulation study into the effects on driver behaviour of the implementation of different bicycle lane layouts on urban streets

Alberto Portera
Luca Tefa
Marco Bassani

How can global leaders in road safety continue to improve and actually reach Vision Zero

Matilda Magnusson
Tor-Olav Nævestad
Aliaksei Laureshyn

How do drivers pass cyclists on European roads? Toward a common regulation for overtaking across Europe

Marco Dozza

Mixed logit model to investigate cyclists crash severity

Antonella Scarano
Alfonso Montella
Maria Rella Riccardi
Filomena Mauriello
Carmelo D’Agostino

A spatial multi-criteria approach to support the design of infrastructures for e-scooters: the case of the University of Catania

Michela Le Pira
Martina Fazio
Nadia Giuffrida
Elena Cocuzza
Giuseppe Inturri
Matteo Ignaccolo

Proposal for a phenomenologically-based semi-physical model for the determination of the average speed of a cyclist in mixed traffic conditions

Zarina Rocío García Rodríguez
Aníbal Leodegario Altamira


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