Saving lives beyond 2020
The Stockholm Declaration, endorsed by the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety (held February 2020), gives a clear direction for traffic safety within the next 10 years. Building on the principles of Vision Zero (or Safe System), traffic safety is now a core member of the Agenda 2030 with all its opportunities. Becoming a part of the sustainability agenda has a number of implications, that we need to understand to define the future gaps in our knowledge.
About the speaker

Claes Tingvall is retired from the Swedish Transport Administration where he was Director of Traffic Safety until 2015. He is Adjunct Professor at Chalmers University of Technology as well as Monash University Accident Research Centre.
Claes Tingvall has a PhD from Karolinska Institute in Sweden (DrMedSc) and a DSc h.c. from Emory University in Atlanta. He was instrumental in developing Vision Zero from the very beginning. He has published in injury epidemiology, safety rating and safety management.
When and how
Friday, 3rd December 2021
15:00-16:00 CET (time convertor)
Format: Zoom meeting