37 Berlin—Germany
The 37th ICTCT conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 23–24 October 2025. The conference topic is ‘Data and methods for evidence-based safety measures and applications’.

XIII (extra) Quebec—Canada
The XII (extra) ICTCT conference, organized jointly with Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) and Parachute, will take place on 20–23 May 2025, in Québec city, Canada. The call for submissions is now open.

36 the Hague—the Netherlands
17–18 October 2024
Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research

35 Catania—Italy
26–27 October 2023
Challenges and actual opportunities offered by new technologies to improve traffic safety

XII (extra) Winneba—Ghana
8–9 June 2023
Enhancing traffic safety: prospects and challenges for Safe System approach on African continent

34 Gyor—Hungary
27–28 October 2022
Road safety improvement tools—do we really know their impacts?

33 Berlin—Germany
28–29 October 2021
Paving the way to safer active urban mobility—challenges and opportunities

32 Warsaw—Poland
24–25 October 2019
Vision zero for traffic fatalities and serious injuries—research questions and challenges

31 Porto—Portugal
25–26 October 2018
On the track of future urban mobility—safety, human factors and technology

XI (extra) Vancouver—Canada
8–9 March 2018
Improving the safety of vulnerable road users—challenges and opportunities

30 Olomouc—Czech Republic
26–27 October 2017
Traffic safety and the city—how to enhance traffic safety and liveability in urban areas?

29 Lund—Sweden
20–21 October 2016
How to assess traffic safety?—Adapting methods to future challenges

28 Ashdod—Israel
29–30 October 2015
How to assess safety problems, especially those of vulnerable road users

27 Karlsruhe—Germany
16–17 October 2014
Empirical data collection in the field—from hard core traffic conflicts till qualitative data collection

IX (extra) Ribeirão Preto—Brazil
24–25 April 2014
Risks and risk taking and how they are related to road safety?

26 Maribor—Slovenia
23–25 October 2013
Sustainable and safe road design from a human behaviour point of view—challenges for interdisciplinary work in road safety

VIII (extra) Stellenbosch—South Africa
4–5 April 2013
Alcohol and drugs—effects on traffic safety, not least for pedestrians