Special issue
Authors of the accepted contributions will have an opportunity to submit their papers for publication in the ICTCT Warsaw conference special issue of the journal Transactions on Transport Sciences (ISSN 1802-9876).
Deadline for full-paper submission is December 1st, 2019.
Social media
The conference used hashtags #ictct and #ictct2021berlin for the posts in social media.

Merja Spott
Coordinator for Walking and Cycling
Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Berlin
Merja Spott has been studying Geography for a major in transport planning at Free University Berlin and Université de Lausanne.
After completing her studies, she worked for Friends of the Earth, Germany, and the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu). Later, she held the position of bicycle policies strategist at the Hamburg branch of the German National Cyclists’ Association and expanded her experience and knowledge of pedestrian traffic at the Planersocietät planning office in Dortmund.
Nowadays, Merja Spott is a member of a team implementing the Berlin Mobility Act for the Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, with the purpose of improving the conditions for cycling and relocating public space to environmentally friendly modes of transport.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fastenmeier
Traffic and Transport Psychology
Psychological University of Berlin
President of the German Association for
Traffic and Transport Psychology
Professor Wolfgang Fastenmeier has been studying, doing research and later forensic examinations at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.
Since 1991, he runs also a private company Mensch-Verkehr-Umwelt, Institute for Applied Psychology.
His current research at Psychological University of Berlin concerns human reliability in traffic safety, error counting techniques and application of this method for safety assessments of traffic sites, individual drivers and driver assistance systems.
Infrastructure & policies
Special session: Covid-19 related effects on safety
Giuseppina Pappalardo (Italy)
Special session: Processing of road safety relevant data
Tina Bode (Germany)
Behaviour, learning, accident consequences
Francisco Julian Sandoval (Columbia)