§1 Name, seat and scope of activity
- The Association is called ‘International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety’, abbreviation: ‘ICTCT’.
- ICTCT is registered in the Flanders region according to Belgian law. Its activities are world-wide.
- The ICTCT-year starts on October 1st and lasts until September 30th.
§2 Aims of ICTCT
- The purpose of ICTCT is to conduct scientific activities in the domain of traffic safety.
- ICTCT is not profit-oriented.
§4 Activities of ICTCT
- The objectives of ICTCT may be achieved through various possible activities such as the organisation of conferences, workshops, seminars, training, research projects, publications, presentations, working groups and similar activities.
- The necessary funds will be obtained from:
- membership fees;
- incomes from organising workshops, meetings, conferences, courses, etc.;
- incomes from project funding;
- donations and advertisements;
- other supports.
§5 Membership
- Any natural person or legal person can become a member of ICTCT.
- The members can be grouped as full, provisional and honorary members.
- Full members are those who have been accepted by the General Assembly and have their membership fee paid.
- Provisional members are those who have completed and delivered to ICTCT secretary the corresponding application-form and have paid their membership fee, but are pending to be accepted by the General Assembly.
- Honorary members are natural persons who are nominated as such by the General Assembly on proposal of the Steering Committee because of their earlier activity in or special services to ICTCT.
- In case a provisional member is not being accepted by the General Assembly, ICTCT will pay back the money paid in advance and will not request money for discounts already enjoyed.
- The number of members shall not be less than five.
- The amount of the membership fee is set by the General Assembly and may not exceed 5,000 euros.
§6 Termination of membership
- Membership will end by deliberate decision of leaving, by exclusion and by death (in the case of legal persons by the loss of their legal personalities).
- Leaving can occur at any time by written notice to the secretary. The secretary will notify any leaving to the next General Assembly.
- Exclusion of members occurs by the simple majority of the General Assembly.
- The termination of the honorary membership can be decided by the simple majority of the General Assembly.
- If the membership ceases, either in the case of deliberate decision of leaving or exclusion, any claim to the property of ICTCT will automatically cease.
- Membership will end automatically in case the membership fee is not paid before the end of the ICTCT-year.
§7 Rights and obligations of the members
- Members have the right to attend any of the meetings/programmes of ICTCT (provided they pay the required registration fee). Full and honorary members have the right to use the equipment of ICTCT, to obtain favours/reductions at certain events and to speak in the General Assembly. Only the full and honorary members have passive and active voting rights.
- Members who are natural persons have one vote. Legal persons can be represented by maximally three natural persons, each having one vote.
- Members should behave in line with the objectives of ICTCT and do not damage the prestige of ICTCT.
§8 The General Assembly
- The Steering committee calls for a General Assembly at least once a year.
- Alternatively, convocation of the General Assembly can be requested by a written petition of at least 10% of members, or if both auditors see the need. The General Assembly takes place within three months after the request.
- All members will be invited to the General Assembly at least one month prior to the date. Setting of the date and location will be accompanied by the agenda.
- The General Assembly can vote or pass a resolution if at least 10% of the total number of members are represented.
- As a rule the elections and resolutions in the General Assembly are passed by simple majority of votes. In the case of resolutions aiming at changing the Statutes or dissolving ICTCT a majority of two thirds of the votes is needed.
- The General Assembly is chaired by the president of ICTCT. In case of prevention the chairing right is in the next order: deputy president, secretary. Without being present at least one of them, the General Assembly will pass any resolution only in case of having the permission of at least one of them written by own hand, or in case of irresponsibility or death of all of them, the General Assembly will be chaired by a remaining member of the Steering Committee, or – if impossible – by the oldest natural person with voting rights being present.
§9 Scope of duties of the General Assembly
- The General Assembly holds the final decision making power of ICTCT. It is endowed with all powers which are mentioned in the present Statutes, or are reserved for it according to the law.
- The General Assembly has the following tasks:
- Receipt and acceptance of the financial results and of the financial balance;
- Decide on the budget;
- Election and revocation of the members of the Steering Committee and of the auditors;
- Acceptance and revocation of membership;
- Final decision on membership and on appeal against exclusion from membership;
- Modification of the Statutes;
- Modification of the membership fees of ICTCT;
- Deliberate dissolution of ICTCT;
- Consultation and resolution on other items of the agenda.
§10 Meeting report of the General Assembly
- The minutes of the General Assembly shall be delivered by e-mail to the members present no later than by the convocation of the next General Assembly. Other members may request the minutes from the Secretary.
- Every member has the right to read the minutes. Third parties shall not have this right, unless otherwise decided by the Steering Committee.
§11 The Steering Committee
- The Steering Committee consists of the president, the secretary, the cashier, a deputy president and three other members.
- The members of the Steering Committee are elected by the General Assembly
- The Steering Committee has the right in the case of leaving of an elected member, to co-opt another eligible member in her/his place, but it is necessary to vote for this function at the next General Assembly.
- The Steering Committee will be functioning 3 years long. In any case, it is in function until the election of a new Steering Committee. The members quitting the Steering Committee can be re-elected.
- The Steering Committee will be called together in oral or written form by the president, or if prevented, by the deputy president or the secretary.
- The Steering Committee has a quorum present if all the members have been invited and at least half of them are present.
- The Steering Committee is chaired by the president of ICTCT, or – if prevented – the chairing right is in the next order: deputy president, secretary.
- The Steering Committee passes its resolutions by simple majority of the votes. In case of equality of the votes the vote of the chairing person has double value.
- The Steering Committee may also pass resolutions using electronic communication
- Except for death and termination of the functioning period, the function of the members of the Steering Committee will cease by exemption or by resignation.
- The General Assembly can exempt the whole Steering Committee or any of its members at any time.
- Members of the Steering Committee can resign in writing at any time. The resignation will be submitted to the Steering Committee and is notified to the General Assembly in its next meeting.
§12 Scope of duties of the Steering Committee
- The Steering Committee manages the current affairs of ICTCT and represents it in all legal and extra-legal matters. All powers which are not explicitly reserved by the law of the present Statutes to the General Assembly are held by the Steering Committee.
- The main responsibilities of the Steering Committee are:
- Convocation of the ordinary and extraordinary General Assembly;
- Preparing and following-up the meetings of the General Assembly;
- Managing the property of ICTCT;
- Preparing the yearly financial report and balance and drawing up of a yearly estimation of income and costs or economic budget;
- Nomination of additional Steering Committee members for special tasks, who however have no right of vote in the Steering Committee meetings;
- Planning, preparation and follow-up of the annual conference and the extra conferences;
- Executing tasks that serve the aims of ICTCT.
§13 Special obligations of the members of the Steering Committee
- The president has the highest function. It is this person’s duty to represent ICTCT, especially outwards, against authorities and third persons. Generally, the president chairs the General Assembly and the meetings of the Steering Committee.
- The secretary supports the president in leading ICTCT and in representing ICTCT outwards. It is this person’s duty to produce the minutes of the General Assembly and the meetings of the Steering Committee.
- The cashier is responsible for the ordinary management of financial matters, for preparing the yearly financial report and balance and drawing up of a yearly estimation of income and costs (economic budget).
- To represent and commit the association to third parties, the joint signatures of two Steering Committee members are necessary and sufficient.
- In case of prevention of the main functionaries of the Steering Committee, their functions will be taken over by the remaining members in mutual consent.
§14 The auditors
- Two auditors are obliged to control the finances and supervise the financial balance. They report to the General Assembly on the results of their supervision.
- The auditors are elected together with the members of Steering Committee.
§15 Court of Arbitration
- The Court of Arbitration shall decide in all disputes arising within ICTCT.
- The Court of Arbitration is composed of three persons who do not have to be members of ICTCT. It is formed in such a way that each disputing party nominates a person as an arbitrator. The disputing party informs the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee subsequently informs the other party and requests it to appoint an arbitrator within 14 days. The two appointed arbitrators elect a third person to be chairman of the court of arbitration.
- The Court of Arbitration first seeks mediation, if such is not possible, it is empowered to settle the dispute.
- The Court of Arbitration passes its decision by a simple majority of votes. The parties of the dispute must be able to express their views about the dispute orally or in written form. The court of arbitration decides to the best of their knowledge and belief. The chairman of the court of arbitration is responsible for issuing the decision, which in any case must contain a statement of reasons. Its decisions are final.
§16 Dissolution of ICTCT
- The deliberate dissolution of ICTCT will be decided only in a General Assembly called together to this purpose by a majority of two thirds of the casted votes.
- At least 7 days before this meeting, the Steering Committee provides a detailed overview of the financial situation of ICTCT, including any possible assets and liabilities as well as an overview of pending or foreseeable claims.
- After settling all outstanding payments or debts, any remaining assets of ICTCT will be disposed of by transferring the assets funds to an internationally active association to be designated, which carries out scientific activities for the benefit of road safety. The decision about the allocation of remaining assets is taken by a simple majority in the General Assembly.