In 2021, a new scientific journal Traffic Safety Research (ISSN 2004-3082) was launched, with ICTCT as one of the co-founders.
The journal’s overarching aim is to contribute to the global shift towards the Safe System paradigm within road transportation. Traffic Safety Research publishes results from high-quality research in engineering, psychology, sociology, economics, medicine, political sciences, and other fields relevant for explaining and addressing road traffic casualties. Proactive methods and analyses as well as multidisciplinary views on traffic safety problems are encouraged.
The journal topics cover (but not limited to):
- system analysis and policy research related to road safety;
- in-depth exploration and causal explanation of accident mechanisms;
- behaviour and attitudes in traffic related to safety;
- safety of specific groups in traffic, such as cyclists, pedestrians, children or elderly;
- medical, economical, psychological and other consequences of accidents;
- methodological development covering a wide palette of methods such as accident modelling, in-depth investigations, data linkage, self-reporting, surrogate measures of safety, behavioural observations and naturalistic studies, virtual reality, micro-simulations, etc.
- innovative approaches and explorative studies that bring in new theoretical insights or explanatory mechanisms (even if based on smaller datasets);
- development and evaluation of road traffic safety counter-measures;
- state-of-the art knowledge summaries and literature reviews.