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Evaluation, validation and implementation of measures to improve transport safety
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Evaluation, validation and implementation of measures to improve transport safety
Speed control—principles, methods, measures
5-6 November 1998
5–7 November 1997
October 1996
East and West
October 1995
Safety of urban transport with focus on pedestrian problem
26–28 October 1994
Pedestrian problems
October 1993
Safety evaluations of traffic systems—traffic conflicts and other measures
October 1992
The use of traffic conflicts’ technique and related methods for the evaluation of new technologies in road traffic with respect to safety and sustainability
November 1991
What are the main reasons for risk in road traffic from a road-user behaviour and interaction perspective? What should be done?
November 1990
November 1989
Theoretical aspects and examples for practical use of traffic conflicts and of other interactional safety criteria in several industrial and developing countries
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Slamastraße 43
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Tel. +43 1 5041546
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