37 Berlin—Germany
The 37th ICTCT conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 23–24 October 2025. The conference topic is ‘Data and methods for evidence-based safety measures and applications’.
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The 37th ICTCT conference will take place in Berlin, Germany, on 23–24 October 2025. The conference topic is ‘Data and methods for evidence-based safety measures and applications’.
17–18 October 2024
Inclusive and interdisciplinary road safety research
26–27 October 2023
Challenges and actual opportunities offered by new technologies to improve traffic safety
27–28 October 2022
Road safety improvement tools—do we really know their impacts?
28–29 October 2021
Paving the way to safer active urban mobility—challenges and opportunities
24–25 October 2019
Vision zero for traffic fatalities and serious injuries—research questions and challenges
25–26 October 2018
On the track of future urban mobility—safety, human factors and technology
26–27 October 2017
Traffic safety and the city—how to enhance traffic safety and liveability in urban areas?
20–21 October 2016
How to assess traffic safety?—Adapting methods to future challenges
29–30 October 2015
How to assess safety problems, especially those of vulnerable road users
16–17 October 2014
Empirical data collection in the field—from hard core traffic conflicts till qualitative data collection
23–25 October 2013
Sustainable and safe road design from a human behaviour point of view—challenges for interdisciplinary work in road safety
8–9 November 2012
Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world—current issues and future challenges
27–28 October 2011
Traffic safety management—tackling the problems in urban areas and at other hot spots
17–19 November 2010
Walk21: Getting communities back on their feet
22–23 October 2009
Towards and beyond the 2010 road safety targets—identifying the stubborn issues and their solutions
30–31 October 2008
Engineering solutions to improve traffic safety in urban areas—addressing technical, social and behavioural aspects
25–26 October 2007
Towards future traffic safety—tendencies in traffic safety research based on 20 years of experience
26-27 October 2006
National traffic safety programs: concepts and practice—technical, behavioural and organisational aspects
27–28 October 2005
Transport selematics and safety—technical, social and psychological aspects
28–29 October 2004
Cost-effective solution for improving road safety in rural areas—integrating education, enforcement, engineering and electronics
30–31 October 2003
Improving safety by linking research with safety policies and management— models for analysis, implementation of measures and solutions, and evaluation
23–25 October 2002
Speed management strategies and implementation
Road user characteristics with emphasis on lifestyles, quality of life and safety
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ICTCT—International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety
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Slamastraße 43
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Tel. +43 1 5041546
e-mail: ictct@ictct.net
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ICTCT—International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Road Safety
Slamastraße 43
1230 Wien, AUSTRIA
Tel. +43 1 5041546
e-mail: ictct@ictct.net
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